Treatment of a child at PICU with Post-Covid Complications
Samriddhi Mondal, a 5-year-old girl was admitted to Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) of Neotia Bhagirathi Woman and Child Care Centre, New Town ( BNWCCC, NT) under the supervision of Dr. Somenath Gorain ( Paediatric Intensivist & PICU In-charge at BNWCCC NT) with history of fever for a week followed by rashes on the body, severe weakness and decreased urine output for 2 days.
Her initial blood pressure was very low and with low saturation. She was managed in PICU with supportive care along with Inotrops ( blood pressure medicine) . We strongly suspected a case of MIS-C (a post COVID complication) though she doesn’t have any definite history of COVID in the recent past. From our experience and her clinical features, we didn’t delay the necessary treatment for MIS-C as per the guideline ( for example IV immune globulin and other supportive treatment). She responded well and her blood reports/ investigations were indicating that she was suffering from MIS-C and later transferred to Paediatric Ward. Due to the early intervention, she recovered well and is discharged in stable condition. We thank Mrs Shrabani Mondal to share her child’s inspiring and successful recovery experience. We wish Samriddhi and her family a very healthy and happy life ahead.