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Successful Knee Joint Tubercular Infection Operation at NEW TOWN unit

Bone and Joint infection can cause permanent damage of the joints. The damage which is caused by bone and joint infection are divided into two parameters.

First is the bacteria or micoorganisms which causes the damage. Second is the pus, many times it happens that septicemia which is caused by the microbes are very easily destroyed by the antibiotics, but the pus which remains collected in the joint, causes unavoidable disturbances in the joint and causes permanent damage.

Here is a case of a boy named Yash Raj Jaiswal, who was admitted to Bhagirathi Neotia Woman and Child Care Centre, New Town with a right knee joint infection which was later found out to be a tubercular infection. Finally, Dr. Abhishek Nandy (Consultant, Paediatric Orthopaedics, BNWCCC NT) and team operated it and the child is completely fine now and recovered from osteoarticular infection. The child has joined sport activities and living a normal life.


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