Right treatment at right time helped the child to recover
Master Jyotirmoy Gain presented to Bhagirathi Neotia Woman and Child Care Centre, New Town urgent care in the midnight with pain swelling and not able to move his right elbow for 4 hrs.
He developed this pain as his brother accidentally step over his elbow while playing. He was attended by our superspeciality team of doctors at the urgent care and Paediatric Orthopaedic surgeon, Dr. Abhishek Nandi. On examination there was a tense swelling over the elbow, with stretch pain. His X-ray was done immediately and was found normal. Though his X-ray was normal he was admitted and kept under medical supervision in the view of impending compartment syndrome. A MRI of the elbow was done later to confirm the injury and find out any ‘TRASH’ lesion. MRI showed there was a contusion over the supinator muscle and no osteochondral fragments. He was pain free in couple of days and regained full range of movements. He was discharged pain free and full normal elbow activities. Only high degree of clinical suspicion and timely management will result in desired outcome which was done in the above case.